FAN-FICTION CONTEST July: Trials of a Visionary

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FAN-FICTION CONTEST July: Trials of a Visionary

The construct wasn't as large as the 'real deal' creature fought in Scandinavia a few weeks back, and it definitely didn't smell the same, but it looked menacing enough, thought Elijah. He slid quickly to the left, avoiding a heavy paw slamming to the ground, before thrusting a bolt of energy at the beast's head. His allies in the simulation - fellow leaguemates, but also a few people unfamiliar to him - had spread out and strafed the Fenrir construct from the ground, and in the case of a few, the air as well.

Fenrir raid"What core do you have equipped?" shouted the masked person to his right as he threw a fireball. The beast seemed unaffected by the assault.

"Supe!" he replied quickly.

"My league suggested I go with Tech!" the masked man said, before he was forced to retreat away as the Fenrir lunged forwards before spinning away.

Elijah was still getting used to the experimenting with equipment configuration. From League Wars to BADGE-sponsored raids to Atlas Protocol emergencies, he found himself having to try different setups to try and vanquish enemies, or in the case of the meteor strikes, deflect with minimal injury to self or others. He knew his disadvantage in selection choice, but was encouraged to seek the BADGE raids as a chance to improve the options. Being strong, smart and relatively durable wasn't going to be enough, his allies in his league reminded him.

A brown-haired woman clad in navy blue stumbled and fell as she attempted to thrust a spear in the beast's side. With no hesitation, Elijah dashed to her side and pulled her away before Fenrir's maw struck.

She was on the verge of tears. "How long does this last?"

Elijah protectively stood in front of her, allowing her to catch her breath. "Not sure, but hang in there. Nobody falters today."

She smirked, although with Elijah's back to her, he didn't notice. "My heeeeero."

"Yeah, yeah. Just stay with us and we'll win," he replied stoically.

She walked next to him and threw an arm outwards. On another side, the masked man returned.

"Um, I hope that 'us' includes Skynett or the Chaos Theory members," wheezed the masked man, "else we're gonna be spent forces..."

With a nod to his temporary allies, Elijah dashed in again, landing blows with as much fury as he could muster. Thoughts of a future upgrade to his equipment remained ever-present.


--- Visionary
--- ID: 35977