Happy Birthday Bash Contest ID 36204

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Happy Birthday Bash Contest ID 36204

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She's she finally finds a squirrel huddled but as soon as she knows by seeing the power as it jumps 20 stores into a tree. She runs after it they fly through the trees for many miles from Branch to branch. Suddenly there's a blast of light and the squirrel disappears through a flash. She stops on her branch but looks down to see your friends The eagles and the Bears and and other animals running. She goes back down. They sit on the edge of the forest and look at the city see the huge celebration and banners and parades going on with loud cheering something's going on there she knows shadows lurk she must find the shadow clan that is where they are but for now any celebration will be with the friend she has left in the animals in the forest until then a celebration.
ID: 11184