June Contest- Origin of Alex Fae-Murphy

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June Contest- Origin of Alex Fae-Murphy

Alex Fae-Murphy
ID: 36312

Our hero du' jour, Alex Fae-Murphy, was born in a dimension known to many as SHC, as a totally normal human. He was a typical specimen of humanity, maybe a bit more athletic than average. When the rift opened that gave many in SHC their meta-abilities, he was living as a teenager far away.

He moved to the city where many meta-humans, both heroic and villainous, had taken up residence and eventually trained and was employed by an elite squad within their police force dealing with meta-humans.

He encountered a youngish, female meta-human known locally as Acidburn, they fell in love, got engaged, and eventually married. He received from her a blood transfusion because of an accident, which gave him meta-abilities of his own. Then he found out she was only half-human.

Her other heritage was from yet another dimension, Fae-re, the home of fairies, Elves, and many other magical or supernatural creatures. In fact, she was a princess of the race known as the Fae, who ruled Fae-re.

Then came the EA wave. The wave basically destroyed meta-enhanced DNA, forcing those with those abilities to flee that dimension. The Murphys naturally fled to Fae-re where they assumed responsibilities that their station required.

Acidburn, aka Princess Krys'ta'lyn, due to her education and native intelligence, made an excellent agent of the Fae, acting as an ambassador for the Crown. Alex, due to his training as law enforcement, naturally joined the Royal Guard, and eventually rose through the ranks to become its Head.

Eventually, Krys'ta'lyn accepted an important task which required that she travel to the dimension known as HR (our current realm) while Alex had to remain in Fae-re to choose and train his replacement as Head of the Royal Guard.

Alex has only recently completed that task so that he could join Krystal (as she is known here in HR), and none too soon, as their daughter was recently born.

Alex, taking the name Alex Fae-Murphy to honor Krystal's name and heritage, has recently joined B.A.D.G.E. as a Probationary Field Agent, with his previous meta-abilities reactivated by morphon exposure.