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I was relaxing, doing my meditations in my small dojo when my communicator loudly sounded off an alert. My concentration was broken as I heard, “INCOMING COMMUNIQUE FROM DIRECTOR NOVA”.  Admittedly I was a little aggravated but I clicked the button on the communicator and answered, “This is Gamma Ray.”  In a grumpy voice, Director Nova spoke and said, “Gamma Ray, We have a report of a disturbance in Bursa. It seems that a small piece of debris was found by a civilian and the civilian has been given some sort of Jinn’s dark mystic power and is tearing up the city.  Get there immediately and bring the civilian back for decontamination. They could have manifested any power so be careful and get them back here ASAP.” I replied, Gamma is on it, I’m leaving for Bursa now.

Minutes later, I arrive at Bursa. I do a quick recon and find that a male civilian is terrorizing the city.  The guys is holding his head and screaming in pain, “IT HURTS “and lashing out wildly with punches that were bringing down buildings he connected with as he stumbled around in pain.  I noted a small piece of cloth in his balled up fist and thought, “this must be the small piece of debris that is causing all this ruckus.” I’m going to have to try and get that from him.

I try to get the guys attention but his pain and screaming are to loud and he doesn’t hear me and he seems to be becoming angrier and gaining strength.

“I’m gonna have to get this guy out of here before he really hurts somebody.”

I created a portal leap and appeared in front of the guy to try and calm him.  My sudden appearance only startled him and he struck out at me and connected.  I flew backwards for what seemed a city block. I got up and rubbed my chin and said, “Damn, that punch hurt”.  I could see the guy still writhing in pain, screaming and punching wildly.  

“This guy is gonna hurt someone bad if they get close to him. I have to get him out of the area but I don’t think I’ll portal leap in front of him again. I got change tactics a little. I’m not well known for my patience and it was getting short after that massive punch to the face. It was like being hit by a fist of hardened bedrock. “

I can’t really hurt the guy because he is just an innocent civilian and doesn’t realize what he is doing. I decided to get his attention with a few well placed rocks to the gut.

“That got his attention!” I said. He looked straight at me and his anger and pain grew.  He charged at me from a ways a way still holding that cursed piece of cloth and I thought, “This is it.” I charge at him at top speed. We were like to trains on the same train track coming from different directions.

Just as we were about to collide with each other, I opened another portal leap, but this time I opened it behind him and when we collided, I pushed him backwards and we both went through the portal.  I had the portal land us out into the desert where no one was around to get hurt.

The guy got up. I got up. I needed to work on my portal landings.  Then I hollered at the guy to try and talk to him. To tell him that the shred of cloth he was holding on to was a remnant of Jinn ‘s tunic and causing all his pain and anger and that I needed to take it from him.  In that instant, he quit screaming and seemed to be no longer in pain but the anger remained. His head slightly bent down looking at me from the top of his eyes. I remarked out loud, “Craaaaap.” I knew that look and knew this fight had just begun.

This guy calmly says to me, “This small piece of cloth has given me immense power now, I can feel my strength growing. I like it and I think I’ll keep it.”

I said,  “Hey guy, that wicked piece of cloth is from the evil Jinn’s tunic that we defeated just days ago, I need to get that from you and get you some help.”

He replied, “I don’t need your help or anyone else’s help and I’m about to prove that to you now.” My own aggravation started to grow.

He rushed at me, caught me by surprise and tackled me to the ground and begun to hit me in the face with them bedrock hard fists, each blow getting harder and do more damage  with each punch that connected. Needlessly to say, I am not too happy now but I still don’t want to hurt this civilian as he is under an evil influence, but I have to stop him, get that shredded piece of tunic and get him to decontamination. I blocked the rest of his blows and threw him from on top of me. We both got up again at the same time.

I said, “I’ll have that cloth now!”

He laughed and said, “No, no you won’t!”

Now I’m getting angry and retorted, “We’ll see!” I created many portal leaps and portal escapes at once, all surrounding the guy. I ran through one and out another shoving him repeatedly as I passed by trying to make him drop the tunic shred.

The shred did make him truly stronger and faster and as I made a pass by to shove him, he caught me in the strongest bear hug and started to squeeze the life from me but I wasn’t gonna have that.

I got angry; very angry and grew into a colossal rage. He had no choice but to release me at my larger size. He could no longer hold me. He tried to run and I wasn’t having that either. My colossal size does not make me slow like others but faster. I catch him in my hand as if he was a small rag doll and I force the remnant of Jinn’s tunic from his closed fist. He passes out, the evil of Jinn was weakening.

I returned to my normal size and put the tunic remnant into a destructo-bag that nullifies magic to be safe. Still a bit aggravated, I throw the passed out civilian over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and made a portal escape that lead back to B.A.D.G.E. headquarters and put the civilian in a holding cell so he could be decontaminated from any mystic residues.

I reported to Nova, “Mission completed , here’s the destructo-bag with the tunic remnant. The civilian is in holding cell B awaiting decontamination. He’s gonna be a bit sore when he wakes. I’m outta here, I need to get back to my meditation.”