Chapter 2: Contemplation and Training Introductions ID#12205 Togood

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Chapter 2: Contemplation and Training Introductions ID#12205 Togood

……………………………………Chapter 2: Contemplation and Training Introductions…………………………
Back at home, I healed up pretty fast, thinking to myself, it’s been a weird few weeks for me. Boy that Nova guy sure doesn’t hang around long. One minute he is there and the next second gone in the blink of an eye.
I start to recount all that’s happened recently. It amazing really, just a short time ago, before all this Legion hoopla started, I was an old fart in my 60s starting my retirement from civil service. Waking up just like any other day, old and creaky. Everything hurtin from the hair down and when you're hurtin from the hair down, you're hurtin pretty good but that’s no longer a problem since these morphons started raining down giving me this young super strong new body and these wings.

These wings! Flight is cool and all but you ruin a lot of shirts when you gotta cut holes in them for wings to fit and what were those beams that shot out of my eyes and took that bad guys hand off? How did I do that? How do I control it? Is my body gonna keep changing? What the heck is BADGE?  I could really use a beer or something to calm my nerve right about now.

 I walked to the fridge and grabbed a few cold ones and sat down and tried to relax. It didn’t last, that Nova guy was back with friends and he didn’t knock this time. “How did you get in? The door was locked, and who are these people with you, I glared. I don’t really like visitors just showing up and especially when they don’t use the door.  It kinda ruffles my feathers. Pun intended. Now what do you want and why are these friends of yours here?”

Nova spoke up, “First of all, calm down, we are all friends here, so don’t wanna ruffle your feathers. Second of all, you gonna drink all them beers or can I have one and third of all, these folks are gonna train ya and try and answer questions I’m sure you have.” I handed him my last beer. He took the beer and said, “Now let’s meet everybody.” The introductions began.
Nova started by reminding me that we all manifest different powers and with he said, “These guys are gonna test you for attributes and strengths so you can start training. They will also show you how gear is used. Now listen up, starting left to right.

This is Inferno, his core strength is magic. It is his strongest attribute. He is proficient in casting spells and making potions amongst other things. He has survived the gravity of a black hole while escaping his destroyed home world. So don’t take him lightly, he’s not your everyday magician. He’ll turn you into your sister. He will teach you some spells that can help you in future fights.

To his right is Drift, he is an elemental and he can control and manipulate all the elements.  He is a dedicated tactician and he is relentless. He will test you for any elemental abilities you may have and teach you the art of fighting. Pay full attention to him. The last guy he trained didn’t so he gave him an actual lead foot. He dragged it around for a month before Drift returned his foot to normal. Drift put his head down and snickered quietly.

Beside him is Uptown Knight, his core is physical. He is one of the most physical heroes we have here. His strength and agility knows no limit and he can beat you so bad you’ll have a new hairdo. He also likes his own hair. You probably shouldn’t mess with it. He is gonna see what kinda shape you’re in and make you stronger and faster. It ain’t gonna be fun.

To his right is Captain Aim Eric Ah, a marvel to be sure. He is in his 80s and doesn’t like the cold but is still sharp as a tack. He has superior mental abilities. He can move things with power of his mind. He will teach you how to destroy your enemies with your brain. Oh, and fair warning, don’t gamble with him. He can’t be beat in a game of cards and whatever you do, don’t call him a Cap-Sicle. It brings back bad memories and he gets a lil rowdy. Cap nods in agreement.

Next to him is Super Rakly. He specializes in anything techno. If it needs built, he can build it. He will teach how to build some high tech gadgetry to help you in battles. He can mechanically enhance just about anything or anyone including himself. Rakly looked at me and shook his head and said, “he’s gonna need some armor, then yelled, “Fear the red armor!””

Lastly, this is our supernatural expert, Biggus Dickus, he is the wowdy guy from Wome.  He’s a super hero by day and a stripper by night.  He will teach you about all things, living or dead. He can communicate with spirits and other supernatural entities. If you thought vampires and werewolves were just a thing in the movies, you would be wrong.  If you’re in a bind and need some undead fighting buddies, this guy can get them for you.”

Nova then looks at me and asked, “Did you work on your superhero name like I asked?” I replied, “I haven’t come up with a good name yet.” I said,” I was thinkin about Incontinentia Buttocks but then Biggus Dickus started glaring at me like he wanted to throw me to the floor. Nova shook his head and said, “There’s a good reason for the stare. It’s his wife’s name.” Well, crap, that name is out, I thought out loud to myself as Nova introduced me to the guys. “This is Togood,” and everyone kinda laughed to themselves.  You still need to work on that name said Nova.

Nova gave a little speech about how important it was to train and learn these new skills these guys were about to teach me. Learn well and get strong enough to fight The Legion. Use these new skills in New Amsterdam, There are a lot of bad guys there that misuse their new morphon powers. I’ll be watching your progress.  He raised the beer up as to salute everyone and said, “Onward and upward to greater glory.” That last part sounded familiar.  I just can’t remember where I heard it. I turned to grab my beer to return the salute and as I turn to face Nova,  he was gone again that quick.

I asked my new mentors, “ Does he always vanish like that, that quickly?” They replied,  “Pretty much, he says what needs to be said and then gone, no one ever sees him really leave.” Drift spoke up, “never mind that for now. You gotta get ready for training tomorrow. Bright and early, you meet the elements.”