Chapter 4: Give As Good As You Get ID#12205

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Chapter 4: Give As Good As You Get ID#12205

**********************Chapter 4:  Give As Good As You Get****************************
It’s been a long week working with Drift and trying to cultivate some Elemental abilities. I’m nowhere near the master of elements Drift is but I do have a few new tricks up my sleeve, after all, Drift reduced my ride to its individual elements and made me work on putting it back together for practice. What a Joker. It was good practice though but you know that old saying, “Don’t get mad just get even.” Just then Drift walked into the training room to give me a report on my progress.

Drift called me to the center of the room where he and Uptown Knight were waiting. “Hurry up ToGood or whatever your name is. You really do need a better superhero name but you can work on that later. I’ve got a hot date tonight and I don’t want to be late,” Scowled Drift.  Drift looked at me and said before I hand you over to ‘Knight’ for physical training here is your elemental score. Drift remarked, “You scored a six out of a possible ten and that’s not bad for just starting off. You just keep on reading my manual and keep training on the elements and you will be strong enough to take on the Legion.”

 I replied, “Gee thanks Drift, I couldn’t have done it without your special way of training. I will work very hard to improve and by the way, I must say, you are looking very sharp in that Armani suit of yours. I hope it doesn’t get dirty.”

Drift looked at Knight and said he is all yours. Train him hard and make him strong. Knight looked at Drift and said, I got this, and he won’t know what hit him.”  I smiled as he ran out of the training room to the parking lot in his pretty Armani suit and where his Cherry Red Lamborghini was parked. He was in a hurry for that hot date.

I said, “Nice to meet you Knight but before we start there is something that I just got to do and you might get a kick out of it, I know I will.” We watched as Drift backed out of his parking space and put it into drive and started to speed off to his hot date and just then, I snapped my fingers and with great concentration, Drift’s Lamborghini turned into a huge pile of red clay mud to which he was now buried up to his neck.  I hollered out to Drift, “Hey man, you got to be ready for anything.” Drift turned to look at me from across the parking lot and smiled as if to say, “Touché.”  Drift snapped his fingers and quickly restored his Armani suit and ride back to pristine condition and sped off to that hot date. Knight shook his head and laughed.

(To be Continued….)