Collaborative Fan Fiction: From The Precinct to The Parthenon Continued

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Collaborative Fan Fiction: From The Precinct to The Parthenon Continued


Timebender ID: 10897 - Dr. Silver Strange Surfer⁵ᵗʰ ID: 10874 - TheCloser⁵ᵗʰ ID: 10910 - Kairo The Great⁵ᵗʰ ID: 13936 - Power Bottom ID: 11166 - ‡‡╬₱Ɽł₦₵Ɇ ₦ɆⱫⱫ⁵ᵗʰ╬‡‡ ID: 11701 - Aflima ID: 10898 - CdnDraxis ID: 13151 - The Wicked Pitch⁵ᵗʰ ID: 11182

As those already assembled finished getting suited up, The Closer thinks to himself… Any telepaths or empaths on duty here today? I want anyone not on assignment suited up, or at least, suddenly very curious what's going on here.

Heroes in different parts of the city, planet, and multiverse, are becoming aware that there is a threat, one serious enough that the 5th is sending out an all points bulletin.


Another night, another bar, this time was a first, This was PowerBottom’s first time at a bar as a cop. A fact that his brother insisted on bringing up at every opportunity, amidst laughter, and mockery. And more mockery. All the mockery actually.

If PB was being honest with himself, something he usually tried to avoid, he would admit that he’d do the same thing if their situations were reversed.

“It’s just my luck, bro. It’s not that different than being on any other team, and it shouldn’t interrupt my life. Much. Stop laughing. You’re frightening the hotties.” PB glanced at the tall muscle head he’d been flirting with all night. “That one’s just my type too.”

“What, breathing?” his twin riposted.

The gym rat and a friend approached their table, “Oh you’re a cop? I love a man out of uniform.”
Leo laughed, Lance winced and sighed and rolled his eyes. The muscle head continued unfazed, I bet you’re the top Cop,”

Leo glanced at the friend, “What no cheesy pick up line for me?”

The shorter, buffer meat head winked and leered at Leo, “Why would I pick you up when I could just get you to roll over if I asked nicely?”

The twins sighed, pointed at each other and in a resigned tone of voice said simultaneously “Switch.”
The two hopeful “suitors” shrugged and traded places.

:Don’t you love interchangeability?: PB asked his brother mind to mind.

:Us or them?: Underwatch responded.

Just as things were getting interesting, PB’s communicator squawked “"Who is available in the Precinct right now? We're taking a field trip to Area 51!"

“Not going to interfere?”

“Shut up. You’re driving.” PB replied while walking towards the closet.

“Sorry boys. Duty calls,”


Floating on sound waves above New Amsterdam, we find the wicked pitch. The best part about the city for our young hero is the abundance of sound to fuel his abilities.

Tonight he's out on solo patrol, despite being relatively new to the force. He'd proven himself against the legion, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with The Closer, but he was starting to feel like old news. While he was happy to do any good work, it was a bit frustrating that he hadn't had another chance to feel the intoxication of the spotlight!

They'd obviously been doing a pretty good job of cleaning up the city. Even with the ability to access every sound wave within ear shot, or line of sight, and from up here that's a lot, he had not been able to find his next super criminal.

He'd just become interested in a conversation about the working hours of a local jewelry store, when he perceived an incoming message from the 5th Precinct. Before it actually came through his communicator, his powers gave him the ability to essentially pause the other conversation, and then focus on what The Closer was going to say. "Who's available in the precinct right now? We're taking a field trip to area 51!"
No one hears his "Woohoo!" as he repurposes the sound into speed. While he will be anxious about what the new threat might be, he's riding his own excitement back to the Precinct, before it even crosses his mind.

On the way He’ll tap his communicator and say “Hey Kairo! Did you hear that message?”

The Great Kairo was at that moment on leave in Vegas visiting family.

“Yep, I’m on my way! Screaming wheels will have me there in a jiffy! As a matter of fact, I've already been by there sight seeing. I’ll go through Pahrump Nevada this time, that’s where they filmed Mars attacks!” As he’s moving driving through town he sees a building that looks familiar, and slows down, “Hey, that looks just like one of those buildings in the Cathouse series on HBO!”

Pitch just shakes his head and hardly replies before killing the link, “Have fun, see you there.”   He thinks to himself that it must be amazing and exhausting, to move through life constantly excited about something or other.


The Royal court was no place for an arch mage!

Prince Nezz endeavored to be the best at mastering the complexities of fel magic where others had failed. He would much rather avoid the intricacies of diplomacy or ruling a kingdom. Now, If the Royal council decided he should replace his brother as King one day, well, that would be most unfortunate wouldn't it?

Nezz thought suddenly, that he needed to escape, somewhere far away from this forsaken land and people.

Lounging on a bed chair, Nezz opened his palm and stared at the 5th Precinct badge. A memento he had gotten when he was in another dimension. At that time a group of unknown visitors had accidentally teleported into his kingdom in hopes of finding assistance to some dire predicament. He followed them and was whisked off to an adventure of a life time. That seemed eons ago.

I should check up on them. This is my chance to leave this bloody place. Thought, Nezz.


 "Unnh, not tonight, Lucy... I'm getting married..." groaned a voice in bed.

Devra swatted her companion with a pillow. "Lame effort, buddy. It's your new comms line. Go deal with it already." She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, stretching her arms. The routine was familiar to her, although there were a *lot* of new allies to make note of. At least, it'll give her some more alone time for research at the Labs.

Aflima turned over and grabbed the comms device. He listened to the message, then sighed and started putting shoes on.

"It's not about Mage, is it?" came Devra's voice with a bit of worry in it.

"Nah. It's the Fifth's fellas. And they want anyone available to check in for a trip to A51."

"Area 51?"

Aflima donned his red and black suit and grabbed his tech goggles. He continued, "Yeah. Is this SHC-related? Don't know yet. Can you ping Ana, Rosa and Tri to give them a heads-up? They likely are tied up monitoring Mage so don't worry them too much."

Devra nodded.

Aflima walked to her and gave Devra a soft kiss before heading to the window.

"You could use the door, you know. You're not some teenager sneaking out of his girlfriend's room," Devra said.

"Dramatic effect, my dear. Besides it's quicker to fly from a higher elevation."

He leaped out of the window and let his arms catch fire. "Up up and away!"

Devra, as normal in these times, smirked and shook her head.


Back at the Precinct they are monitoring member signals converging on headquarters, but The Closer just can't sit and wait. Turning to Timebender, he just nods, and his teammate gestures and a tear in space opens in the center of the room.

"That will take us to Area 51." The Closer announces to the gathered heroes and gestures.  “We might as well start moving people through.”

Starting to move around again nudges Dr. Silver Strange Surfer into realizing, he’d never set down his boom box. Without taking his eyes off the spacial disruption, he deposits it in a pocket dimension, and says “I've always wondered what goes on inside area 51.” He leans over towards The Closer and says, a bit wide eyed “I heard they were doing experiments on penguins. They were mutating them and giving them freaking lasers that they attach to their heads. Also, I heard that some of them got morphon powers.” He seemed way too happy about that for The Closer’s liking.

“ Timebender, you can hang back if you’d like, I’m sure you can catch-up and still redirect everyone to the new location." Realizing that might have been a silly statement, he adds “Try not to beat us there by too much, most of us are only traveling in time in one direction.” He doesn't wait for the witty comeback, just takes a breath and leaps through the portal. At best traveling with Timebender can be a bit, disconcerting...

They’ll recall vividly some flashes of light, and can only assume they entered into different locations but hardly stayed there fractions of sconds. If someone had to guess they'd say a quick stop was made at the exterior of the military base. With Timebender moving in and out of time at a slightly different pace than the rest of them, he had already decided to move to the interior, before anyone even realized where they were.

By the time visions clear, and our heroes begin to perceive their surroundings, they are in-doors, it's cold, the room is filled with wooden crates, and a number of what appear to be Egyptian artifacts. In the center of the room a large pyramid is smoking slightly, and electricity arcs across it's surface. Just breathing leaves an acidic aftertaste in the mouth like the air itself is carrying a charge.

The Closer tries to swallow away the taste as he checks his instruments. "My sensors are picking up a lot of unnatural activity. There are trash particles bouncing all over this place. This probably isn't healthy." Its suddenly obvious that they've set off some alarms, when an offensive whooping klaxon begins to sound. That was going to make it very difficult to chat.

You could see people's lips moving, but not hear much of use. The Closer screams at Timebender trying to get some extra lip movement in, "Where is Fleagle?!"


Expecting to exit into the precinct PB instead entered a military installation. Where alarms were blaring and teammates were running. PB sprinted to catch up.

“Someone want to let me know what’s going on? And how I got here?”

:Do you think it was Timebender. You control time, you control space right, bro?:

:Bro? Underwatch? LEO?:

With anger and a little fear in his voice PB amended “...How I got here alone?”


Timebender surrounds them with a dense temporal field, most dangerous particles have a short half-life, delaying their arrival at the bodies of his allies will prevent radiation damage.

He looks around and tries to figure out what happened. Unfortunately, the event is surrounded by so much static it is impossible to make out exactly.

Timebender states, "The pyramid was upright, and different in composition before the event, and Fleagle was standing THERE." (He points).

He adds, "I can not tell exactly where the temporal fault leads, but I can take us through it. It is kind of like staring into a searchlight, impossible to clearly see what is beyond,"


Prince Nezz began to speak an incantation and suddenly a gateway opened in the middle of the room. He could peer into it and see faint figures of people, who were familiar to him, amidst a glowing pyramid shaped like structure. He could feel the vast energies beyond the gateway and decided to step through, just in time to see CdnDraxis gesture and frost seemed to accumulate at the perimeter of a temporal field…

CdnDraxis says "I can slow the particles down, and siphon that energy, but do we have a place I can put it, or do you need it for something else?" The air begins to freshen as the arcing around the pyramid lessens.

"Allow me to help you with that!" Prince Nezz announces to the surprise of those gathered.
Flickering fingers which glowed with arcane magic, the energies surrounding the pyramid continues to lessen further.

"I can contain that before it escapes, and its been awhile guys." Smirked, Nezz.


Leo stepped out of the closet. The door vanished as it shut behind him. Leo switched sight, “Okay, he thought to himself not gone, just a few seconds out of sync with me.”

He noticed the link to Lance was missing immediately. He was alone, unannounced in a Precinct house.

His eyes traveled to a message flashing on a wall monitor. “Underwatch, Don’t panic, and read the note.”
Underwatch found a note taped to a small box.

It read. “I know, you hate time travel. I’ll keep it brief. Welcome to the force, You’re dispatch and maybe the occasional mystic forensics. I know you don’t want to be a cop. I also know what argument finally wins you over, lets save time.

I have access to books that don’t exist anymore, hell, I have access to libraries that don’t exist anymore. Just say I accept and your badge will give you access. Don't accept and you can leave the way you came.

Underwatch didn’t often roll his eyes like his brother, but the occasion called for it. “Why do time twisters even bother asking. I accept.”
