Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Kyrie E Laser
Kyrie looked between the other two heroes who fought with her. "I don't if this would help but I have footage from the fight." She tapped a button on her goggles and the image she and Silent Shadow first came onto replayed in holographic form for the B.A.D.G.E. agents.

"Useful," Agent Erikson said. "Can I get you to upload that file to the B.A.D.G.E. cloud account, please?"

"Of course," Kyrie said as she moved her eyes and instructed her goggles to send the data. "Or you could check my live-stream at"

"You were live streaming this?" Agent Erikson said. "Why?"

"My fans want to see what I do. It's already got 20,000 views." Kyrie smiled excitedly.

"Agent Erikson!" One of her fellow operatives called out.

"What!" Agent Erikson and the heroes turned to see what spurred the urgent summons.

"Some of the werewolves just vanished." He pointed to the ground where Silent Shadow's restraint had fallen.
Kyrie #23573
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Timebender tells Agent Erikson, "I simply heard the howl and came to investigate, I know nothing of what happened before then...yet.  I could go observe, but because I was not there when it happened I can not go there physically without causing a paradox.  I could bring another observer under the same conditions, they could watch, but not DO anything."

Timebender is powerful, but he does have limits.
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

The Inkling
This post was updated on .
*As the heroes are interviewed, another incident is about to begin...

Hours later on the moon, a magical portal opens and Dr. Fulcrum and ViXen emerge from it. "Do you remember the plan for here, ViXen?" he asks her. "Sure do Doc. We alter the moonlight using both the new magic given to us and your newly developed technology so that every non Morphon powered human on Earth becomes cursed with Lycanthropy just by seeing in the moonlight which curse is still active on the daylight side of Earth after it rotates away from the moon. Afterwards we break into the secret Ice Ray Academy and figure out how to drain the two goddesses there of their powers making them totally helpless. Our new boss was very specific about wanting revenge on those two in particular. And besides Red Oni was only fighting Silent Shadow so I could test this new recorder of hero core equipment strength and types for your research. There is nothing he can reveal about this."

"Correct, and as was predicted by magical intelligence, no heroes are patrolling around the moon tonight due to the fact that everyone is celebrating a brand new US President being inagurated in Washington DC. Funny that an event that takes place every four years should be so important for the whole Earth to take notice."

They put up a technological forcefield around them powered from another Earth that can only be shut off from there and protected by a magical forcefield from the Dark HR Earth too and then they turn on a special satellite to a certain spectrum and frequency and retreat back from where they came.  Suddenly the moon began changing color and shape until a giant visage of Dark Earth Prime (Evil Hr Earth) President for Life Donald J. Trump Jr. had taken its place in the night time sky!

"People of Earth and heroes of BADGE! The Legion has made me President for Life of the Dark Earth of Dimension HR. I personally challenge Director Nova to come travel here himself only to confront me. I have heard he is supposed to be your greatest leader but I think he is nothing but a coward. Of course should he fail to accept my challenge, I will have to allow the Legion to take their holy vengeance upon you all for defeating them so often in the past. I can be very reasonable and so I give a deadline of one lunar month for Director Nova to accept my terms."*
ID: 11292 AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocence sacrificed herself to fully defeat Drochah. She will never be able to be reincarnated ever again. Back to rping in group chats however not too often due to mental issues (imagination under strict recovery orders.) Still playing Heroes Rising though.
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

I really can not decide if this thread is supposed yo continue, or if this is supposed to start a new thread...
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

The Inkling
OOC This is still the same thread. I was just thinking hard last night while writing my above post and I found I could not stop typing.

I decided to tie in some parts of the rp thread of mine linked above to this one. But I can definitely assure everyone magic is still part of this rp thread but for now technology is stealing the show (pardon the pun.)
ID: 11292 AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocence sacrificed herself to fully defeat Drochah. She will never be able to be reincarnated ever again. Back to rping in group chats however not too often due to mental issues (imagination under strict recovery orders.) Still playing Heroes Rising though.
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Silent Shadow
    Silent Shadow gave his statement to his sister.  He explained how he stopped a robbery and then he and Kyrie heard an unusual howl coming from this park and hurried over here to fight Red Oni and the werewolves.  He noticed that young woman who ran was actually ViXen and recording the battle.

    Red Oni was being taken into custody and lead to a waiting transport.  Shannon noticed he smiled at her as he went by.

    "Why did he smile at me, brother?" Shannon asked.
    "Because he wanted me to contact you," Silent Shadow signed.  He narrowed his eyes.  "He must have something else planned."

    "What do they want with me?" Shannon wondered.  "I'm a trained spy.  I don't have any powers, I'm just highly skilled."

    "Like me," Silent Shadow signed.  "Just different training."  The white cat came over and rubbed Silent Shadow's legs and purred.
Silent Shadow
ID: 23601
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Kyrie E Laser
"Well, beep me if there is anything else I can do," Kyrie said. "I don't think there is any more I can do here. Nice meeting everyone. Bye."
Kyrie #23573
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
From a perch well concealed by the darkness, another feline form carefully watches the scene below.

"I sense your Fae energy... but who are you, and who do you represent... and why was I not informed of your coming?", thought Krystal.

ID# 10962
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Timebender looks up as the moon changes.  He thinks, "Now that is not the local version of Trump, he may be many things but willing to work with the Legion to enslave the world is not one.  The real question is, is there a real analog of Trump involved, or is someone just using his face to cause dissent?"
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Silent Shadow
   The white cat called "Master Neko" by Silent Shadow purred and rubbed around his and his twin sister Agent Shannon Erikson.  When Timebender looked up and pointed at the moon they looked down at the cat.

    "Master Neko, what are you doing here?" Silent Shadow signed

    "Master Neko?" Shannon asked, "Do you know this cat, Greg?"  The cat seemed to jump into Silent Shadow's arms and made some odd gestures with its front paws towards the twins.  As Krystal Fae watched she noticed a protection spell was cast on the two.

    "Master Neko joins me on my nightly watches," Silent Shadow replied.  "He seems to like me."

    "Is that his real name or just what you call him?" Shannon questioned.

    "Just what I call him," Silent Shadow signed.  He turned as he heard tearing of fabrics and noticed the Non-Morphon enhanced humans were changing into werewolves?

    "This is Agent Shannon Erikson to BADGE, we have a problem..." Shannon said into her com.
Silent Shadow
ID: 23601
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

The Inkling
This post was updated on .
*As the mass transformations begin, those who are Morphon powered soon find themselves outnumbered all over the side of the Earth facing the moon. Even those unlucky few who were BADGE agents a few minutes beforehand, but lacked the abilities granted by the Legion accidentally to this Earth, found themselves filled with an unholy thirst for blood as their eyes began turning dark bloodlust red and they grew huge claws as their muscled bulged.

Thankfully none of those cursed by the moonlight for the duration of this incident until the satellite on the Moon is destroyed will have any memory of this in the future after this rp eventually ends, but that currently is of little solace to those under attack. In the minds of the werewolves, Kill and Slaughter are all they can think about. Some of the werewolves still remember their BADGE or police or armed services training and begin using those taught tactics to claw up the gravel ground of the street and throw it in the eyes of the heroes,and Morphon powered villains, antiheroes and even just the unlucky Morphon powered civilians out there, to blind and disorient them. Others throw out bloodcurdling howls and within seconds there are blocks of howls coming from all around.

But the werewolves do not attack as a crowd even then. Instead they attack in pack formations, with the stronger werewolves shielding the weaker werewolves so they do not get hurt from the heroes.
At Ice Ray Academy, magic and supernatural warning alarms begin going off everywhere and the students and teachers hide those below eight years of age or who are vulnerable to curses like this in a room only Academy faculty can enter and leave Aphrael and Sehanine to guard the room.

"There is no error. We have confirmed this magical source against the last time our Academy faced werewolves in such numbers decades ago according to the magical records preserved then. The one has returned." The teachers and students from then are a bit afraid at this news. There was only one being who ever had been able to cause such fear with werewolves where the Academy was concerned but they need to physically confirm a location and sighting of this being before any particular action against them can be taken.

In the meantime each continent has at least two teachers and a student sent to the biggest country to coordinate with those unaffected yet to bolster defenses all over Earth. Who will aid in this way too?*
ID: 11292 AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocence sacrificed herself to fully defeat Drochah. She will never be able to be reincarnated ever again. Back to rping in group chats however not too often due to mental issues (imagination under strict recovery orders.) Still playing Heroes Rising though.
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
Krystal, momentarily safe from werewolf attack due to her current feline form, took rapid stock of the situation.

The morphon enhanced citizens, be they with BADGE or not, would be quickly overwhelmed by such massive numbers of lycanthropic attackers.

There was one tactic that might buy enough 'breathing room' for a better-planned defense to be arranged, and Krystal was the only one she knew of who had the combination of skills, knowledge, and abilities to make it possible.  It would be a real strain to bring it about on such a massive scale, but she was reasonably certain that she could pull it off.

Shifting to an avian form, she launched herself towards the troposphere.

Once she reached a sufficient altitude, she hovered for a moment, tapped into a towering extension of the region's ley lines for sufficient mana, and began flying in an expanding spiral, releasing a mixture containing ice crystals and ammonium nitrate crystals as she moved with incredible rapidity.

This produced a quickly expanding region of ice crystal clouds, which were polarized by her rapid flight around the expanding region.  The polarized cloud formation blocked the moonlight from reaching the surface below, and the werewolves began to return to their human forms.

This could not be maintained more than a few hours over such a large region, but it bought BADGE and the other morphon enhanced enough time to plan...
ID# 10962
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Silent Shadow
    "Master Neko" jumped down out of Silent Shadow's arms and ran towards where Krystal Fae was disguised as a feline.
    "It seems someone bought us sometime, Director," Shannon stated into her com.  "We're going to bring Red Oni with us for interrogation."

    "Where are you going, Master Neko?" Silent Shadow signed.  He couldn't see through the fog.  So he didn't see where the cat went.


    Master Neko approached Krystal Fae, "Hi! I'm to report to you as soon as I can find you.  King Oberon sent me."

    "Who are you?" Krystal asked.

    "Well, according to King Oberon, Chaos Incarnate, but my name is Berry Breath," he stated as he shifted to his true form of a Fairy Dragon then shifted back to his feline disguise.  "Though that silent ninja guy likes to call me Master Neko."
Silent Shadow
ID: 23601
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

A Future self appears beside Timebender and warns him of the impending trouble with the werewolves, and the solution used by Krystal Fae.  When his future self vanishes back into time he starts preparing, gathering energy for an enormous working.

He uses his ability to distort space and time to latch onto the gravity wells of the moon and the earth and locally intensify the distortion of light created by them, causing the moon to be within the shadow of the Earth, manifesting as a total Lunar Eclipse.

He comments with effort, "I do not know how long I can maintain something this big.  Get someone up there who can deal with the problem before I lose concentration."

As noted, his abilities are not magic nor tech, he would not know how to undo a spell or disable a high-tech device.  All he can do, is buy time.
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

The Inkling
Amid all the commotion, several Morphon powered BADGE officers surround Red Oni and put on cuffs designed to neutralize his Morphon abilities so he can not fight them off and escape. Even if he had wanted to originally, now is too late.

Behind his mask, this human is very startled by the unusual events going on around him. He was only hired and paid to fight Silent Shadow by Dr. F so his assistant ViXen could use her "recorder" to record it. That is all he knows but now has realized he was just a pawn in their plans.

The officers also bring with them armor and non lethal weaponry designed to inflict minimal harm to the humans who have temporarily stopped turning into werewolves and pass it around to the heroes and the civilians they have been protecting from harm from themselves and the others. BADGE has made it very clear they want zero fatalities and zero civilian casualties for the foreseeable future after all the deaths caused by Krampus and Lady Phoenix after Christmas.

After this, the officers fly off with Red Oni in a BADGE emergency transport so they can get him back to headquarters for interrogation before they can get new orders from Director Nova.
ID: 11292 AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocence sacrificed herself to fully defeat Drochah. She will never be able to be reincarnated ever again. Back to rping in group chats however not too often due to mental issues (imagination under strict recovery orders.) Still playing Heroes Rising though.
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Silent Shadow
    "Focus," Krystal told Berry Breath.  The Fairy Dragon had resumed his feline form but was rambling.

    "Oh, right," he started, "King Oberon sent me to protect those twins.  The agent and ninja.  He said you could help them with Morphons, but I had to protect them first from whatever mischief these bad guys were up to."

    "And you used the right spell?" Krystal prodded.

    "Yeah, he was very specific.  I'm sure it was the right one," he replied.  "Do you mind if I stay here a while?  I like that Silent Shadow guy.  He treats me with respect."

    "Do you know how Morphons will affect them?" Krystal asked.

    "No, just doing my mission," he clarified.
Silent Shadow
ID: 23601
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Beads of sweat start to appear on Timebender's forehead.  He may only be effecting light with this distortion, but it is a distortion thousands of miles wide.  Maintaining it is a considerable effort.  He hopes someone will be able to reach the moon and deal with the source of the problem before he loses concentration or collapses, because he will not be able to do much wile holding this.
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
Krystal, in her feline form, followed 'Master Neko' back to where the twins were standing.

Once they had approached, Neko playfully twisted around Shadow's ankle, while Krys-cat came around to face Shannon, sat primly for a moment, then made a low 'hrmph' sound to get her attention.

Shannon noticed the inky hued feline staring, and almost involuntarily locked eyes with her.

At the same time, 'Neko' leaped into Shadow's arms, mentally signaled Krystal his readiness, and purred to Shadow.

Krystal waited just a moment until no one was looking at the pair, and they vanished...


The twins were a bit startled to see that they were no longer in the park.

The new location was obviously a laboratory, and before they had a chance to panic, Krystal spoke to the pair mentally.

"Do not be alarmed... you are in my lab at BADGE... we have much to discuss... I'm going to change forms now so that we can communicate properly.", Krystal sent to their minds.

Krystal shifted to her standard 'in lab' appearance.

Shannon's eyes widened in both surprise and recognition...

"Agent Fae...", she gasped.

"As I 'said', we have much to discuss..."
ID# 10962
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

Silent Shadow
    "What do we need to discuss?" Silent Shadow signed.  "Master Neko" jumped out of his arms and purred around his legs.

    "Yes, what do we need to discuss, Agent Fae?" Shannon reiterated.  She was impressed with the lab.

    "We need to discover your metagenes and enhance them with Morphons before the fog clears and that moon turns you into werewolves," Krystal clarified.

    "What metagenes?" Silent Shadow questioned.  "My powers come from training."

    "I believe the training with chi helped bring out your metagenes," Krystal stated.  "Which means, Agent Erikson, you probably have a metagene as well."

    "I underwent extreme training as well, but was never able to do the things Greg, I mean Silent Shadow can," Shannon stated.

    "You underwent extreme training but not the same training," Krystal stated as she pricked Shannon's finger and sampled her blood.  She then took Silent Shadow's blood.  "You also didn't have your voice box removed."  She studied the results.
Silent Shadow
ID: 23601
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Re: Collaborative Fiction (Anyone): Silent Enemies

The Inkling
This post was updated on .
*As chaos and confusion begin enveloping the Earth from those humans who were unfortunate enough not to be shielded from the moonlight by Timebender or Acidburn, members of the Ice Ray Academy High Council arrive with a student in Washington Dc, Beijing China, London England New Amsterdam and in other countries in Asia Africa and Europe to do what they can to halt the chaos.

A couple of minutes after Acidburn teleported those with her away, Headmaster James StarRunner and student Jenna Firemage appeared on the scene. "What is the current status on keeping the transformations under control?," James asked the BADGE agents who had remained.

Headmaster James StarRunner of Ice Ray Academy
"Not too well. Everyone is very confused as to how come they are transforming and some can not understand why we have ordered everyone to wear sunglasses both in daylight end at night. Maybe you can answer some questions for us?"

"From what we have been able to figure out, it is common knowledge that certain types of moons during the lunar year cycle can cause people to go crazy in mind and action temporarily. But as we have seen, someone with a malignant purpose and motives has figured out how to harness this so that it is happening all over Earth in both daylight and night time too. Not only that, they are working with a version of failed one time presidential candidate Donald Trump and the Legion to threaten us all with destruction."

"As it stands, Jenna and I will cast an enchantment covering the northeastern part of the Atlantic Seaboard here in the United States in tandem with the other students and teachers from our Academy to form an umbrella of peace and tranquility over the major continents of earth in order to stop the psychic magical attack on the minds of those afflicted. We can not hold this for more then a few days at a time but while it is in effect, we can hope it will make your jobs easier at keeping the crowds under control."

Communicating telepathically with the other students and staff they begin an ancient chant to create a temporary global magical umbrella.*
ID: 11292 AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocence sacrificed herself to fully defeat Drochah. She will never be able to be reincarnated ever again. Back to rping in group chats however not too often due to mental issues (imagination under strict recovery orders.) Still playing Heroes Rising though.