Collaborative Fiction: Search and Rescue

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Collaborative Fiction: Search and Rescue

Angela Volden
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Collaborative fiction

‡ Harlequin Rogue ‡ ID: 13807,
‡ KเⱠⱠⱾWเƮCH ‡ ID: 11053,
‡ ฿ɄⱠⱠ₴ ɆɎɆ ‡ ID: 10989,
‡ ]v[ɽ B๏wʈIΣ ‡ ID: 11366,
‡ N€v€tS‡ ID: 10954,
‡ Da/\/\oN ‡ ID: 10831,
‡ JuĐGΣ]v[ΣNƮĐคY ‡ ID: 10857,
Powerman ID: 10852,
‡ ⱾคKuЯ₳ ‡ ID: 10908


She woke up confused, unsure of who or where she was. She was being wheeled on a gurney, her arms and legs strapped to it. Men in white lab coats surrounded her. Noticing her coming into consciousness, one of them pulled out a syringe and injected her with it. Her surroundings faded as once again she fell into unconsciousness. Drifting off into her dreams, flashes of memory entered and exited her mind's eye in quick succession.

There was a planet. Maybe this planet? She was falling towards it in a large structure. A ship, perhaps? There was a blinding explosion and the memory flashed to her barely conscious body crawling from the wreckage, a giant crater dug deep into the ground behind her. Men with guns and camouflage surrounded the area. A man in a black suit wearing a gas mask approached her as she lay there, barely alive.

"We have a survivor" he said. "First one so far. Looks to be female. Get her secured and back to the lab. I'm going to want to look at her ASAP."

"ZC!" another man yelled. "You're gonna wanna come take a look at this!"

Her mind flashed to another memory, just on the edge of consciousness. There was an operating table and doctors. They were taking samples from her and doing experiments. They had kept her drugged, but she could still feel all the excruciating pain caused by what they were doing to her. She wanted to scream. If only she could open her mouth. If only she could vocalize her torture. But her voice was silent, unable to make a sound at all. She couldn't control her body, couldn't make it follow her commands. All she could do was experience what was happening to her. The pain was so intense, she passed out again.

Her next memory was of her being put in some kind of small, egg shaped chamber. She could see some form of writing at the top of the chamber before they put her in. She didn't know what the symbols meant, but she committed them to memory. ANGEL: A it said.

"Cryofreeze Chamber A ready Agent ZC." one of the men in white said.

She recognized the voice of the masked man in black from earlier.

"Good." he said. "Get her into stasis. We have a lot to learn about these people and I don't want any of them expiring before know what makes them tick, and how to kill them. Get subject Angel: B defrosted. Let's see what differences there are between the males and females."

As the cryofreeze took affect, everything went white. She found herself once more in a familiar place. She could hear herself laughing. She was running through tall purple grasses. Ahead of her, on the horizon, she could see 3 moons in the sky and two suns, and behind her, she could hear her life long love, together since they were children, chasing her.

"Slow down!" he yelled. "You're never going to be able to run fast enough to keep the suns from setting!"

"If it makes today last longer, I can try!" she teased him. "Catch me if you can!"

Who was he? What did he look like? Why couldn't she remember? The memory faded and confusion once more condemned her to a purgatory of black nothingness.


Killswitch stood looking over the hill with his binoculars. His sights were set on a large, fortified building patrolled by armed soldiers. There were no markings on the building to identify it, but Killswitch knew what he was looking at. This was Area 52. Most conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts had their attentions focused on Area 51, so the Pentagon had Area 52 built. While the public was distracted with their attention focused on Area 51, all the real work was being done in the almost completely unknown Area 52.

Still looking in the direction of the Area 52 building, Killswitch handed the binoculars to Damon and pointed in its direction. Down the hill a little and around them, the rest of Baptized in Blood stood in the ready for their two leaders to decide on a plan of action.

"They have them there. I'm sure of it." he told Damon. "Nevets said he tracked them there last week, after they gave us the previous slip through the CDC."

Damon looked through the binoculars.

"They definitely have beefed up the security." he said. "I'm estimating about twenty five percent more troop movement. How do you think we're going to get past that many without making any noise?"

"I don't think we can get past them without making any noise." Killswitch answered back.

Mr. Bowtie asked, "Then what are we going to do?"

Killswitch cracked half a smile as he looked off in the direction of Area 52 before answering.

"Make a lot of noise."

The group of freedom fighters and super powered activists made their way towards the base. Killswitch directed Powerman to teleport ahead and take out all the cameras. The rest split into three groups. The two larger ones moved into positions so that the base was between them. The third, led by Killswitch, made their way unnoticed and hid behind a rock outcropping where they could spy the entrance.

As Powerman teleported to each camera and disabled it, the base went on high alert. Sirens blared and soldiers started scrambling towards the front gates in defensive positions. Jeeps with miniguns  poured out of the base in search of the intruder. As they did, they were met with the destructive firepower of Killswitch's team.

Damon and Judgement Day's teams each opened fire on the walls of the building they faced. The walls were thick and made to withstand most bombs, but under the continued onslaught, the concrete began to crumble under the pounding. Where the teams met thick steal reinforcements, Powerman would use his Ki blasts to render them into molten slag.

That's when the beast came out of the building to face them. A creature so hideous and monsterous, it crushed the soldiers that were not quick enough to get out of his way. The very ground rumbled as he slithered out to face them, a giant serpent with the scaled upper body of a man!

"You dare attack the Miðgarðsormr?" he screamed at the attackers. "I may not be able to see you, little mice! BUT I CAN SMELL YOU!"

Killswitch tapped his comlink.

"Everyone, scatter now!" he commanded. "Make crisscross patterns to confuse him. Never stay in one spot. We have to confuse him and strike him when he's unbalanced! Damon, Judgement Day, hit him with all you got every time you have his back! Everyone else just run distraction!"

As the rest of the team drew the monster away and kept the great beast distracted, Killswitch and his team made their way to the now barely defended front gate. They easily dispatched what little opposition they met.

"What are we looking for, Kill?" asked Sakura.

"The aliens, man!" answered Killswitch. "Also, who knows what good tech me might find in this place. Anything we can use to give us an edge. But primarily, we look for the crash survivors."

Killswitch looked out one more time at the behemoth the rest of his team was keeping off their backs. Nevets better be right about this, he thought, before ducking into the rubble.

TO BE CONTINUED..............