How to Write a Super Story: Part One

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How to Write a Super Story: Part One

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The Quest for Limitless Power

        Breaking free from the shackles of the mundane, ordinary world we live in. That is a big part of the attraction of the “super” genre, isn’t it? Whether it is the freedom of flying without wings, controlling the untamable elements, or manipulating the nature of the universe itself, the abilities of supers rewrite the laws of physics as we know them. And that world is more fun, more vibrant, and light-years more exciting than the typical 9 to 5 we all dwell within.
        If you are reading this, you likely have taken the first step of creating a character. Given him or her a cool name, a spiffy costume, and some amazing powers. So now what? Sure, you can continue to play the game, but what about doing more than hitting some keys to battle and do missions?
        How about tapping into a limitless power, the one you already have. Call it what you may, your imagination, your creativity, your desire to be the next Stan Lee, but how about bringing your character to life off the screen?
        Each of us has an inner storyteller. Any time you think “What if…”, you are creating the beginning to a story. The challenge is building the story, giving it a middle, an end, and then putting it into a form where others will read it.  Trouble is, there are immediate Supervillians there working against us. Doubt. Fear. Uncertainty.  “Is it any good?” “I’ve seen this before.” “What if someone picks it apart?” Tapping into our inner storyteller isn’t always easy, but if you are brave enough to face the obstacles, it can be done.
        Remember, somebody made a story using the elements of sharks in tornadoes. SHARKS IN TORNADOES!! Nothing is out of the range of possibility.
        What I would like to discuss through this entry and subsequent posts are the elements of building a “super” story. Where to start when crafting a collaborative fan-fiction story. How to create engaging characters. Witty, snappy banter between nemesises? Nemesi? Nemesesis? (The actual plural is Nemeses.)
        So, my first non-battle challenge is for you to define your character. Who are they? What are their strengths and weaknesses-?
“WHAT, my super needs weaknesses!” 
Yes, without imperfections, characters have no room to grow and are rather boring and unengaging. Who cares about the character that never fails? People want to read about those that overcome and succeed. As readers, we can identify with them.
        Some great first questions to ask about your character when writing them are:

1) What are their goals? What do they want from life?
2) What kind of person are they? Boy-scout? Devout believer? Warmonger?
3) How do they feel about having their abilities? Blessed? Cursed? Ambivalent?
4) What are they afraid of? Spiders? Snakes? The Beatles?
5) What is their greatest secret? Their identity? The source of their powers? A recipe for crepes?
6) What do they look like? Height, weight, build? What is their signature power effect?
7) What five items do they always carry on their person?
        That’s enough for now, isn’t it? If you found any of this interesting or useful, let me know. My goal is to help build the landscape of this great game world that has been crafted for us by helping those who want to tell great stories about their character's adventures.
        Until next time, may the light of good fortune shine on you!
ID: 14716
ID: 14716
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Re: How to Write a Super Story: Part One

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
You make many excellent suggestions here, IMO...

Krystal Fae, the scion of the realm (dimension) of Fae-re, salutes you, sir.
ID# 10962
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Re: How to Write a Super Story: Part One

Thank you for the kind words. I hope that others may find them beneficial.

Starmaster, aspirant hero and author, nods back to you out of respect.
ID: 14716
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Re: How to Write a Super Story: Part One

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
ID# 10962