The Great Time Migration - Fan-fiction | Origin story January 2023

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The Great Time Migration - Fan-fiction | Origin story January 2023


 In the year of HR2023 I received a message from three years in the future. The message talked about the loss of the earth if we did not travel forward through time and fight off what they called the great purge, a second legion invasion force simply known as the Second Waive; an overwhelming reinforcement of new enemies and new powers!
 Detailed plans to construct a Time Machine followed with a plea to Migrate Heroes of the Past to save earth’s future followed the original message. I couldn’t help but wonder why the Message didn’t come from BADGE or why it wasn’t sent to BADGE in the first place, but that mystery would just have to wait. I took the message to my brother’s at the “Society of Butchers.”  Two weeks and 8 Million Bux later a prototype Time Machine was built, but someone had to go first, someone had to be the Crash Test Dummy. It looks like it is up to me to save the future! I am resolved to step into the unknown and start a new journey.

Crash Test Dummy – ID 36058