copy: WHERE IS STRANGE QUARK? Todd Goode #12205

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copy: WHERE IS STRANGE QUARK? Todd Goode #12205

Dr. Henderson clicked on her com device, Nova, “Report to the med bay immediately, we have a situation.”

Nova answered his com device, “What is it now?”

Dr. Henderson replied, “Its Strange Quark sir, he’s missing.”

Nova replied loudly, “What do you mean Strange Quark is missing?”

“Exactly what I said, he was here and now he is not. He is nowhere to be found. No trace of him on any of our scanners.”

Nova made his way to Dr. Henderson’s location at the med bay and ordered Dr. Henderson, “Pull up all files we have related to Strange Quark. The files are classified. Use the password, “RubberDuckie.”

“Maybe there is something from his past that can help us find him. Quark is strange, but if I’ve learned one thing from him, it’s that probabilities are endless.”

Dr. Henderson scrolled through Quarks file and found the files dated for the last couple of years. She read them to herself and made some notes while she made ‘mmm hmm’ sounds and holding her head in remembrance of events before proceeding to inform Nova.

Nova was impatient and demanded to know what she was reading and what was up with all the ‘mm hmm’ noises.

“WELL! Nova demanded, “What are you seeing in those files?”
“Well Sir, Quark has endured a lot in this past year or so.”

Nova growled softly. “Dr. Henderson, would you kindly enlighten us so we can all be on the same page.”

“Yes Sir, I believe I have spotted a pattern of events that might have had effects on Quark and all these events have one commonality, over exposure to Mythic energies. ”

“Quark absorbed small amounts of Mythical energy from Santa Clause, EB and the Leprechaun.”

“Those weren’t really bad things Dr. Henderson.”

“No Sir, they weren’t but he also had interaction with the other mythics and then you realize things starting to add up. I believe there is a high probability Quark may be absorbing amounts of mythic energy and magic and it wreaking havoc exciting his Quark particles.”

Lord Dragon suddenly appeared with all present and stated.”Such little exposure to mythic energy should not have this great of effect on Quark.”

“Dr. Henderson said, I also agree but we are forgetting a few things that have happened that would heighten the effects on Quark. Let me continue.”

“We must not forget that Quark was exposed to massive amounts of mythic energy when he was shot by Cupid’s arrow and was nearly killed when Jinn distorted the gravity field and tore him apart atom by atom.  I’m sure his quark particles began to be overloaded at that point.”

“Quark also absorbed massive amounts of mythic energy when your pearl talisman was destroyed and you lost control.”

“There was another set of unfortunate events that may have been more than Quark could handle. Forgive me, Lord Dragon but it concerns your late wife Lady Phoenix.”

“What do you mean? Explain! Lord Dragon commanded.”

“Yes Sir. Quark was with Lady Phoenix when Jinn attacked and destroyed your pearl talisman and took Lady Phoenix’s ruby talisman and used it to steal her life force and drain her of her magic, which Jinn then absorbed. Quark grabbed up Lady Phoenix before he could drain her completely and they made their escape. Quarks mind connected with Lady Phoenix’s as they fled from Jinn. He took in her soul or rather she let it rest there.”

“Jinn mistakenly thought he had drained her and her ruby completely when he absorbed her energy and exploded the ruby. Lady Phoenix appeared to have passed and shards of that ruby still contained trace amounts of her energy.”

“We learned about the shards having an alien energy while testing them, we just didn’t know that the shards we were testing was from Lady Phoenix’s ruby.”

“When Quark and the other heroes were sent out to retrieve the shards, he was already experiencing problems with his powers and as soon as he touched one of the shards his reaction left him unconscious and glowing red.”

Lord Dragon interrupted Dr. Henderson, “Are you telling me, us, that Quark may have unknowingly given us a chance to bring Lady Phoenix back into existence?”

Dr. Henderson replied, “I’m saying Lady Phoenix poured her life essence into Quark to fool Jinn into thinking he destroyed her. Quark was unaware what she had done.”

“Quark’s strange powers safely holds Lady Phoenix’s soul in some unfathomable dimension and the shards hold a small part of her power that Jinn didn’t get. The rest of Lady Phoenix power was drawn back into Quark as he held her soul in another dimension when Jinn was defeated.”

“Lord Dragon, I believe Quark and his particle are overloaded with the energy and life force of Lady Phoenix and if you and the others have the power to reunite the ruby shards, Quark can release her soul and her power can flow into the ruby, restoring her physical body making her whole once again.”
“Such a thing as this has never been attempted, remarked Lord Dragon but I would try anything to have her by my side again.”

“There is one other small thing. Before Quark disappeared he muttered something. Does Shuri Castle mean anything to you?”

“Lord Dragon said, “Yes, it was our first castle in this place and it’s where we created the Ryukyo Kingdom.”

Lord Dragon’s eyes widened with a recollection. “We both made a second, smaller talisman and imbued it with a part of our soul in case our main talismans were destroyed.  There is a spell there as well that can restore souls and a talismans energies and return them to their owner but it’s gonna take all the mythics energy to be successful.”

Nova immediately commanded Dr. Henderson to scan Shuri Castle for any signs of mythic energy.
Dr. Henderson completed the scan and there was a familiar signature reading. It was Strange Quark.
Lord dragon summoned all mythics to go to Shuri Castle and await his arrival. He looked at Nova and said, “Summon your strongest heroes there as well. We may need their energy added to ours with this spell.”

The mythics and heroes arrived to see the unconscious body of Quark lying on a stone alter.
Lord Dragon explained what had to happen as he sat the two smaller talismans and the ruby shards on the stone alter next to Quark.

Lord Dragon and the mythics raised their hands upward and Lord Dragon began to recite the spell. The wind began to blow and gust. The sky grew dark without light. The ground shook and began to crack apart. The immense power of the mythics was epic but suddenly the shaking ground became more violent. Santa lost his balance and fell to one knee. He struggled under the weight of the spell but rose up and stood again on both feet.


Each hero took hold of a Mythic’s shoulder as they made a circle around the stone alter. The heroes’ energy flowed to the mythics, Lord Dragon completed the spell and for a brief moment, all was quiet, until it wasn’t.

The ground rumbled and the stone alter where Quark lay began to fall apart. Quark’s body vanished and was replaced by an explosion of light. First a brilliant blue light flash and then a ruby red glow that seemed to last forever. Everyone was thrown backwards by the accompanying shock wave. They all looked up from the ground to see Quark and Lady Phoenix emerge from the glowing light that surrounded everything.

Quark and Lady Phoenix stepped forth completely restored but very weak. EB rushed in to give Lady Phoenix a hug but a force pulled him backwards and Lord Dragon looked down at EB and said, “Lord Dragon gets the first hug. EB gave Dragon the thumbs up and said with a wink, you got it boss.”
Lady Phoenix and Lord Dragon were reunited and were elated to be together once again and kissed each other softly then turned to Quark to thank him for saving Lady Phoenix.

“Anything you want, it is yours, just ask.” Quark thought for a moment and said, “I don’t need much, I’m just glad we are all together and safe and things are back to normal. At least, I think that I’m back to normal. Let me check. Quark looked at the mythics and other heroes and said, “So this duck walks into a bar….” Before he finished his joke, everyone moaned, “Not another duck joke.” Quark smiled and said, “Yep, back to normal, for a Strange Quark.” Everyone laughed and went on to celebrate their return, just in time for Thanksgiving.