Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Allyson sat in one of the mage work rooms in the Castle of Dreams.  The walls, floor, and ceiling were rough stone.  The room appeared to have been dug out of the bedrock itself, which actually wasn’t far off the mark.  The door was a massive, iron-bound oaken barrier that looked like it needed five strong men to move, but was so perfectly balanced that it could readily be opened by a toddler.  The room only contained two plain wooden chairs and a scarred and burn-marked oak table. The work room smelled of sweat and burnt ozone. Allyson, the source of those odors sat and focused her powers on opening a portal.
She was trying to do what she saw Alexis do – open a portal that would not permit travel, but only  let her see what was on the other side without the other side seeing her.  Alexis made it look so simple and easy.  Even his explanation made perfect sense.  However, the actual application of the portal was something entirely different.  She had been at it for what seemed like hours and had gotten nowhere.

Alexis was able to get permission from Krystal’s husband, Alex, and King Oberon, of course, to allow Allyson to practice her portal making here.  The room was excluded from the wards that prevented travel/relocation powers that protected the rest of the castle.  However, she could only use those powers within the work room itself.  She was unable to portal out of the room, but could open portals with entry and exit points in the room, but that was it, no point outside the room was accessible. Neither was another dimension.

Mastering this particular portal technique didn’t require her to make long distance portals, so this restriction was fine. A brief trip outside the castle walls reassured Allyson that she could create portals here in Fae-Re.  She could even access the pocket dimension she created to store things before she came here.  Apparently, Alexis told her, it is tied to her perception of her own relative location, not to the absolute location of where she created it. This was great because she was definitely going to need a shower and change of clothes when she finished here.

While musing about what she would wear and how good a bath would feel, Allyson continued to absently create portals. Suddenly she realized she was looking at the back of her head through the portal.  She turned around and didn’t immediately see the exit portal like she had been.  She had to concentrate and use her powers to detect dimensional energies to see the  faint outline of a portal.  She reached for it but felt nothing and the vision of the portal was hard to hold, it was so ephemeral.

Allyson examined every bit of it she could detect with all the methods of perception she possessed.  She found she could move it about so she could see different areas of the room.  She memorized the feel of it so she would know when she done it again.  Frustratingly, she still had no idea how she did it. Knowing it was possible, however, was half the battle.  She knew she could do it, so eventually, she would do it again.

She got up and stretched, popping joints and flexing muscled she hadn’t moved in hours. She mopped the sweat from her brow with the hem of her t-shirt and used the portal she had created to make herself as presentable as she could before dismissing it, watching it fade completely from her senses with a sigh. She would master this skill soon.  Alexis had told her there were more things he could show her about portal uses; after all he had mastered portals over centuries ago.  He was one of the best practitioners of portal magic in Fae-Re.

Allyson approached the door and laid her hand upon it.  Knocking on it would have done anything except perhaps broken her hand.  The room itself and the door were warded inside and out against any kind of attack – physical, magical, mental, technological, and dimensional.  Alexis assured her it could probably withstand a nuclear explosion.  The door might get warm, but the holocaust would not escape the room. Allyson closed her eyes and thought at the door.

“I thank you for the time to work in this room. I have finished my experiments and request the room be opened.”

There was moment of silence and then a kind voice spoke into her mind, “You are most welcome! We hope your experiments were successful and bore the results you wished.  Please step back from the door.”

Allyson stepped back and the door began to open inward.  A gust of cool wind invaded the room, displacing the smell of sweat and ozone with the fresh smell of the forest at night. She stepped from the room and approached the fairy sitting at a desk at the end of the hallway.  Doors to other work room lined the hall on each side. A small glowing mage light at each door indicated whether the room was in use or not.  Red indicated a room in use, while green indicated that it was empty.

The fairy looked up and smiled at Allyson, “My Lady!  You have been sequestered in the work room for over six hours!  How are you feeling? It is almost past the hour of the evening repast, so you should make your way towards the dining hall and get something to eat!  I know well that humans do not function well without full stomachs with which to fuel their minds and muscles. Tonight’s repast is a delicious one of deer, apples, roast potatoes and other root vegetables.  It seems simple fare, but our cooks add the most exquisite flavors through the judicious use of herbs and spices! Why it all seems like magic to me for I do not have the knack of cookery, but my mate swears to me that it is not magic, just knowledge that produces such flavorful bounty!”

The fairy began shooing Allyson down another hall and beckoned to a guard, all without taking a breath it seemed, as he continued his exposition on the culinary wonders that emerge from the castle kitchens.

“Ah, Joram, please escort Lady Allyson back to her quarters so she can freshen up for dinner.  Make haste!  We do not want our guests starving in our hallways for want of a little conversation!  Don’t dawdle, don’t dawdle! Lady Allyson, it has been my pleasure to meet you and I look forward to our next conversation!  Fare the well, My lady and please enjoy yourself!”

The fairy, whose name she never caught, shuffled back to his desk, humming merrily to himself.  Her escort looked bemusedly after the fairy and chuckled gently.

“Lady Allyson, you have just had the pleasure of conversing with Sir Mrirar, Chief Research Mage of Fae-Re,” Joram said with a smile.

“Conversing?  I didn’t even get to say anything!” Allyson said in shock.

“Yes, father can be a bit chatty, can’t he?  Rest assured, though, that was but a short conversation for him.  There are time sat family dinners when we aren’t sure that he actually breathes for two hours!”

Allyson laughed along with Joram as they made their way into the castle proper.
"Just think what I could accomplish if I didn't have all these 80's song lyrics in my head!"
ID: 11004
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

The Inkling
In reply to this post by Astra
*"It would be my pleasure Futurina," Collette said, feeling very calm and relaxed again now that Puck had finally left. "I apologize for my words and actions when Lord Puck was here but there has always been something about his actions or how he talks that has struck a bitter nerve with me personally. He is hard to get along with if you are not used to his.... smarmy devil may care attitude excuse my expression."

"If both you Silver Paladin and you Chaz Hamilton are willing to allow me permission to help you out, I am willing to forgive all silly things Chaz may have said in my presence. I do actually have a sense of humor and am not fully stern despite what most of you may think. To start out, I will need to put you both into a magically assisted mental trance so we can begin to slowly begin the process of reverse magical osmosis to turn you into two separate individuals."*
ID: 11292 AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocence sacrificed herself to fully defeat Drochah. She will never be able to be reincarnated ever again. Back to rping in group chats however not too often due to mental issues (imagination under strict recovery orders.) Still playing Heroes Rising though.
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Silver Paladin
"First, lady, I've never said anything sly to you." Chaz said. "Let's get that straight here first. And nothing I've said deserves your forgiveness. If anything, you're the one who started us off on the wrong foot, you self-righteous b--"

"CHAZ!" Krystal said forcibly.

"Hey, she's the one who said 'but I also sense envy for those who have skills and abilities like magic or flight'. Who gave her permission to be in my head? And she's claiming she can cure him all the sudden. One of you people made a blade to cut a piece of me out. She want's to reverse omsmosify me or something." Chaz's eyes went a bit wild as he looked about the room. "What happens to me if any of this doesn't work? What happens to him?"

Chaz glared at the collected group and then stormed out of the room.
Silver Paladin
ID: 22349
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

The Sword of Gerraxia
    Gerri and her great grandfather were walking by the room where this discussion between Chaz, Futurina, Puck, Krystal, Silver Paladin, and Collette was taking place.  They knew this was none of their business unless the princess wanted it to be.

    "There is a shoppe in town where the elf who made your great grandmothers sword has passed down his knowledge to the proprietor, his grandson.  Perhaps he could tell you more about the magic of your ring," He stated.

    Krystal noticed his uniform of Blue and white as they walked by, "Oh, M'eric," she used his title which was short for Medical Cleric, "could you help diffuse this situation before it gets anymore out of hand?"

    "Of course, Your Grace," He bowed deeply with such grace to Krystal.  She quickly explained what was going on.  He chuckled when he heard Futurina's offer.  He took out a pair of spectacles and put them on and pressed a small rune on the sides that Chaz noted.  There was a soft glow to them briefly as he looked both Chaz and Silver Paladin over.  He took off the spectacles and made some notes.  He gave a serious but warm look to them both.

    "It seems that master Puck was telling you the truth," He calmly stated.  "If you choose to let your natural life flow into Silver Paladin after you die that would be the simplest solution, but I get this is not the solution you seek.  As Theressoelae offered, thank you for taking away that horrid name, she could do what is needed.  This would be most like an infield medical emergency technique.  If you allowed Lady Collette to do this, it would be highly skilled, though she may need to work on he bedside manner," he was not chiding her just an observation.  "I offer you a third option," he handed Chaz a list of traits that could be used to make a soul seed for Silver Paladin.  "I could perform this for you.  It would take little more than a day.  I will not push, just make an informed decision and let me know what you decide.  No one wants to just carve you up like a turkey.  Though, I'm sure the thought did cross my old companions mind.  We want to help you both."
"Swords are for fighting."
ID: 14367
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Silver Paladin
Chaz nodded, seemingly calmer from his earlier outburst. "OK. Thanks. There's a lot to think about. I wish that Silver Paladin was awake to talk to about this."

Futurina stepped closer. "I can try to put you and him into a telepathic link so you can discuss the options with him."

"Thanks," Chaz said. "Maybe tomorrow, since there is time to think on things. Right now, I need a second or two to figure everything out for myself. Coming here, him getting sick, getting thrown in jail, and then Puck and then everyone throwing out options has made my head spin a bit. I need some-," Chaz air quoted the next word he spoke, "-normal in my life again. Are there any bars around this joint?"
Silver Paladin
ID: 22349
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
"As it happens Chaz, there is one...", Krystal replied, "... The Siren's Song is over by the docks."

"I intended to take everyone tomorrow and introduce you, but if you'd prefer to go tonight, I'll ask Alexis to guide you. I'd go myself, but the castle staff will have something planned for my homecoming, and I still need to see Murph... it's been two and a half years, after all..."

Krystal murmured to one of the fairies, who flitted away to summon Alexis.

When Alexis arrived, Krystal asked him to guide a few of her companions to the bar.  She handed him a small bag that jingled as he took it.  "Please introduce them to Syren... The first round is on me..."

"As you wish, Mi-... Krystal.", Alexis grinned.
ID# 10962
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

The Sword of Gerraxia
    Gerri and her great grandfather continued on towards their destination.  Now they found that they were joined by Chaz, Alexis, and Allie.  Gerri decided to introduce him to the others.  "Allie, Chaz, this is my great grandfather, M'eric Darcasas.  I'm sure Alexis already knows of him.  He is a great healer."

    "We've met," Chaz stated, "but thanks for the introduction."  Something was weighing on Chaz's mind.  Gerri knew what it was but didn't want to bring it up.  

    "You must be Crossroads," Darcasas said to Allie.  "I've heard a lot about you."  He took a deep bow to her.  "Holding your own against Morgana is very impressive."

    "So how do you know Futurina?" Chaz questioned.

    "When my wife, Gerraxia Goldenstar, was still alive and we were sent to guard the human realm of Earth against Supernatural and Magic creatures, we sought out the only elf to have the most knowledge of the realm," Darcasas explained.  "Theressoelae grew up there and had more knowledge than any scholar we could have brought."
"Swords are for fighting."
ID: 14367
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

    Futurina walked over to Silver Paladin.  She watched his sleeping figure.  There was so much she knew about magic but was never able to use it.  Her psionic powers were vast, but she couldn't do everything.  She needed help to go into the Astral plane.  That was something her adoptive daughter could do with ease.

    Sure she knew how to protect herself and others there, but to go unhindered was something she could not do.  Just like helping Chaz and Silver Paladin.  She wanted to help but Chaz's reaction to her psi-sword and offer, told her she could not.

    It was good to see Darcasas again.  They hadn't spoken in centuries.  She always felt bad about how his wife and her best friend died.  They saved the world, but the cost was to high.  Darcasas didn't blame her.  He knew she tried to save Gerraxia.  What Kosuth said at her trial earned her a permanent banishment.  Kosuth was crazy but they took his word over hers.

    She wondered if Darcasas had told others of how she defied aging?  That she used the power of Biokinesis to heal herself, make her immune to disease, and poisons and even regenerate lost limbs.  It was why she never felt the need for stronger armor than leather.  There were so many things she never told anyone about herself.  This included her true age.

    She turned and walked with Krystal as she knew they would need to get ready for tonight's festivities.  She didn't want to miss the looks on the faces of the elven high council or the elf queen.  This would be fun.
ID: 22632
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Silver Paladin
Chaz went into the room where Silver Paladin lay unconscious. "Hey there, man. We're going to head out for a bit, but they tell us you'll be OK. I need to chill out for a bit before we talk. It is all just way too weird."

On the bedding he rested on, Silver Paladin stirred.

"Are you waking up?" Chaz moved over to Silver Paladin's side and lifted up the mask of Silver Paladin's helmet. It popped open and Chaz could see his own face their, scruffier and more unkempt, but his face none-the-less.

"He is in a dream state," a caregiver said. "His thoughts are on a strange game that involves a long stick--"

"It's called a lance," Chaz butted in.

"No, good sir," she said calmly. "He isn't jousting. He is playing a game in something like a tavern. He is using a long stick to knock a white ball into other multi-colored balls."

"Oh. I'm sorry. He's been playing an awful lot of pool recently. Billiards." Chaz left the face plate up. "He's gotten quite good."

"I'm sure he is." She smiled politely at Chaz and wrung out a piece of cloth in a water basin.

"We'll be going to a tavern here in a bit. Let us know if anything changes while we are away. I think it's called the Siren's Song."

"Without a doubt, sir," she said. She removed his helmet and began to wash Silver Paladin's face. "I've been asked to give him a soothing bath. Would you care to help me undress him?"

"Ah... Ummmm... I don't want to miss leaving with the group or else I would. I'm sure he'll enjoy it more if I'm not around to watch."

She nodded with a knowing smile. "As you wish, sir. We will see you soon. He and I will have some nice time to ourselves."

Chaz left the room and waved as he closed the door. She motioned with her hand, sliding it from one side to the other, and the bolt on the door latched shut. Shaking her head gently, the image of the amiable caregiver fell away in glass shards and became replaced by Puck.

"So, let's see what my Magicks have truly done here, my boy." Puck smiled with a wicked grin. "Let me know if this tickles?"
Silver Paladin
ID: 22349
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

    As Futurina arrived at her quarters, she shut the door and took off her jacket.  She hung her jacket with care.  She began the process of doffing her armor.  It would take a lot more time if she didn't use her telekinesis.  It was placed on the armor rack provided.  She smiled as she went to the closet to find a suitable gown.

    She pulled a dark blue gown.  It was beautiful.  The elvish patterns were a delight to her eyes.  Most of her life she had human aesthetics to her clothing, though her armor was dwarfish in nature.  she placed it on herself with a graceful mirth of dance and telekinesis.  It fit with an elegance and finery she had never known.  

    She eyed herself in the full length mirror.  She applied her lipstick, the only makeup she used.  She was pleased.  It was then she saw the tapestries about the room.  King Oberon had gone out of his way to display the things she had done for elf kind.  She was moved almost to tears.

    She tied her silvery elven silk sash around her waist and picked up a fan of silver color.  She took another look around the chamber.  Her ice blue eyes sparkled with glee.  With her left hand she opened the fan and walked towards Krystals chambers.  She would await her outside the chamber.
ID: 22632
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

In reply to this post by The Sword of Gerraxia
Allyson said goodbye to Joram and went to her room to change her clothes.  She was feeling very “icky” after her practice sessions and needed a bath and a change of clothes. Reaching into her personal storage dimension, she pulled out her backpack and dug through it for her toiletries and then rummaged in the inter-dimensional space for something to wear. She had an outfit for every occasion she could think of...well for any occasion she could think of that she could afford, at least. She wouldn’t be walking a runway or the red carpet with what she had , but she would clean up fairly well.

She summoned one of the castle attendants by pulling the rope she was shown earlier. A brownie appeared almost instantly and smiled brightly at Allyson.

“Hello!” The brownie said in a surprisingly mellow alto voice for a creature so small. “My name is Thistlewood.  How may I help you?”

“Hello,“ said Allyson, smiling back at her. “I’m sorry, but I am in dire need of a bath and I don’t know how to achieve that.”

“Well, Miss Allyson, you can either go to the public baths in town, the women's communal baths her in the castle, there are several secluded springs and creeks that are a delightful for a bath in the forests surrounding the town, or we can draw you a bath her in your room.  Which would you prefer?”

“Wow!  That is a lot of bathing options, but I think I would prefer a bath here in my quarters, if that’s alright with you?” Allyson requested shyly.

“But of course! It is no problem at all!” Thistlewood’s eyes went distant for a moment. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.  

Thistlewood gestured at the door and it opened.  In marched a large, ornate copper tub. It marched.  There was no other way to describe it.  It had decorative clawed feet that moved as precisely as any drill sergeant ever dreamed.  It came to a halt in the middle of the room and settled down comfortably, as if it had been there the whole time. It was perfectly positioned in the center of the room, equal distant from all furniture and rugs.

Thistlewood made another gesture and the tub began filling with steaming water. “Please make sure the temperature is to your like.  I can make it warmer or cooler as you desire.”

Allyson tested the water with her hand as found it to be perfect.  She quickly shucked her grimy clothes and stepped into the tub,  With a great sigh, she settled down into a depression that seemed to have been carved just for her body. Reaching for her soap and shampoo, Thistlewood slapped her hand away.  Not an easy trick for someone the size of the hand itself.

“Please, my dear, not with THOSE nasty chemicals!” Thistlewood exclaimed. Suddenly, Thistlewood was surrounded by bottles of many different shapes, sizes, and colors. “Hmmm...yes, I think a lavender soap to relax and revitalize you.  We’ll follow  it with a Lemon Aloe shampoo and condition for the hair.”  Tugging on a strand of Allyson’s hair Thistlewood ‘tsked’ in dismay. “What have you been doing to your hair, dear?  It’s dreadfully dry and brittle.  Well, let’s get to work, shall we?”

Allyson left her quarters still bemused at her treatment at Thistlewood’s tiny hands.  The brownie could easily be Hollywood’s premier make-up artist and stylist. Her hair felt like it hasn’t in ages.  She hated to admit to Thistlewood that, as a hero, Allyson had been looking for the perfect look for years now and in that search, has colored, cut, bleached, permed, and generally abused her hair the entire time. Thistlewood just shook her head and told that was no excuse for poor hair care.  Allyson promised to do better.

When the brownie finished molding her into a proper lady, Allyson found a note and an unusual brooch on her bedside stand. The note read:

I hope you have a wonderful evening out tonight.  Alexis will be taking you to the Syren’s Song so you can see what a tavern in our realm looks like.  Syren is proprietor and she is sweet on Alexis, but Alexis is sweet on her, too!  It’s so dang cute! (Don’t let him know I told you!).  Anyway, I hope you have fun!  This brooch has a little enchantment on it that will transform whatever you pin it to according to the requirements its wearer envisions, so you can look appropriately clothed for tavern work. I would love to join all of you, but I have to attend a dinner in honor of my return.  The first round is on me!


The brooch itself was plain, but still crafted with exquisite care, with a plain white crystal in the center.  Allyson assumed that, given the talent Krystal has enchanting crystals, this was one of her personal spells.

“Well,” Allyson mused, “this makes it easier to find something to wear!”

Dressing in a simple t-shirt and jeans outfit, Allyson pinned the brooch to her short.  Nothing happened.

“Hmmmm...,” Allyson considered carefully.  Drawing from all the novels she has read, the movies she has seen, and her one trip to a Renaissance Faire, she closed her eyes and imagined the outfit she wanted. Allyson didn’t feel anything change.  Opening her eyes slowly, she looked into the full length mirror in the corner. What she saw amazed her.  She saw a young medieval tavern girl with a white blouse, brown leather vest, and a green skirt.  Exactly as she had imagined!

“Wow.  Krystal is good!”

Imagining her original outfit, she saw her image in the mirror was now wear ing the t-shirt and jeans she changed into.  There wasn’t even a shimmer or blurring of the image.  One moment, she was wearing a skirt and blouse combo, the next moment she was in jeans and a t-shirt. Phenomenal!

Summoning Thistlewood once more, Allyson asked if she could send a message to Alexis, asking him to meet her and would he please take her to the Syren’s Song that Krystal has told her about.

“It just so happens, my dear, that Master Alexis has asked me to tell you that he will meet you in the Grand Entrance Hall to take you and others on a tour of our town with the express purpose of visiting the tavern.  As he said, ‘some of your group really needs to unwind and have a drink!’” reported Thistlewood.

“Well then, I better not keep them waiting!  Thanks for everything, Thistlewood!” gushed Allyson heading for the door.

“My pleasure, Miss Allyson. Have a good night!”
"Just think what I could accomplish if I didn't have all these 80's song lyrics in my head!"
ID: 11004
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
This post was updated on .
As Allyson approached her waiting companions from one direction, Alexis approached from another.  

Before Alexis had time to call the companions together and leave, a contingent of Elves entered the hall, several of their guards cried to make way for Mor'ning'glori, Queen of Elves, and her Council.

Alexis pulled his charges over to one side of the enterence hall with a stoic, if slightly sour, expression.

The contingent of Elves, paired Lord and Lady, were followed by their queen.

Alexis, his expression rearranging to a mirthful grin, showed his charges out through the door.

Allyson asked, "Alexis, you seem happier now... what's up?"

Alexis shrugged and his grin widened.

"Normally, I'd be expected to attend such an event... and I really don't care for some of those Elves. Fortunately, Krystal asked me to escort your party... not only will I miss being snubbed by haughty Elves, but I get to introduce you to one of my favorite people... I mean places.", he said.
ID# 10962
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
This post was updated on .
As Alexis guided them through the village on the way to the tavern, he paused at several shops to introduce the owners.

"E'del'wiess here...", he said, " ... produces the finest potions, unguents, and elixirs in all of Fae-re."

"Hema'tite the dwarf... the finest gem-smith in the land... Krystal gets many of her gems and crystals from him.

He pointed out several other shops on the way to the docks.

Finally, they approached a building set separately from the nearest of the warehouses and shops.

The exquisitely carved and painted wooden sign showed a singing mermaid perched on a rock, surrounded by water.

Before the door stood what was undoubtedly one of the largest, but perfectly proportioned, dwarf that any of the group were ever likely to meet.

"How's it hangin', Hamer... is your sister in tonight?", quipped Alexis.

"Go away, flatfoot...", growled Hamer, "... my sister ain't for the likes of no sissy Fae."

"Nevertheless, Hamer... the princess personally requested that I introduce these fine adventurers to Syren.", said Alexis with a grin.

Hamer grumbled quietly as Alexis spoke until he mentioned Krystal, then sighed and said, "Very well, since it's for the princess... Enter, and welcome to the Syren's Song.


The tavern was everything that one would expect from a realm like Fae-re. The main area was slightly dim, but not dark. The corners were fairly deeply shadowed. The small stage, currently empty, was brightly lit, as was the bar itself.

A lovely woman, her heritage obviously a mix of dwarf and elf, stood by the bar, and two fae barkeeps stood behind it.

"Alexis, you bad boy...", Syren pouted prettily, "... it's been days and days... don't you like me anymore?"

"Nonsense, Syren, my dear... you know that only affairs of state could keep me from your side.", quipped Alexis, kissing her hand.

"These, my dear Syren, are friends of Princess K'rystal'lynne..."

Syren clapped prettily, and gushed, "I'm so pleased to meet each and every one of you... I'm sure we will be fast friends... Krys always has such interesting friends."
ID# 10962
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
This post was updated on .
With the arrival of the Elven contingent, the guest list was complete.

Krystal waited patiently while the new arrivals were announced.

She was made aware, though of course she already knew, that all invitees were in attendance.

She signaled Oberon, who had his herald announce that Princess K'rystal'lynne wished to speak.  

Krystal stood, and proceeded in her most regal manner to bow before Oberon, then assumed a position to Oberon's right hand, and called for Theressolae to come forth.  

Theressolae approached and kneeled in the exact position where Krystal had bowed to her king.  

Krystal stepped forward, placed her hand on Theressolae's shoulder, and addressed the Assemblage.

"For centuries, and to my thought, unjustly, this Elf was denied access to this, her ancestral home...
by this act, all will know that this ends, now and forevermore."  

Now addressing her friend, Krystal continued...

"Theressolae, your exile was enforced in the cruelest manner, by the very difference that the Elvish Throne desired to add to their heritage... your psionic ability.  Your lack of magical power to activate the runes of the gate was the lock that enforced your exile... Never from this day forward will you be denied Fae-re."  

Krystal held forth an armguard in the shape of a rose carved from a single flawless sapphire... Its setting resembled the thorned vine of said rose, done in mithril and platinum...

"This is your 'key', it responds to psionic energy, at your personal 'frequency', and produces the magic necessary to activate the gate... you are quite able to speak the runes and are familiar with the placement gestures... With this token of your oath to serve me, you shall forevermore be free..."

Krystal presented the armguard to her friend, staring pointedly at the Elf queen and her court.
ID# 10962
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

    Futurina looked to see the shocked expressions on the elven councilors attending with the elven queen.  Mor'ning'glori had no expression herself.  She was well trained in the affairs of state.  She also guarded her mind quite well.  As many of the elven monarchy did, she had dyed her hair red.  Her eyes, though, were definitely the eyes of her father.  Futurina's prince, Prince Brien who abdicated the throne.  She curtsied before the elven queen and smiled.

    "So, the Freak dares to wear elven designs?" one of the elven councilors commented.

    "My name is Theressolae," Futurina corrected.  "I am an elf even if it does offend your sense of self."

    "You, are the Freak.  That is why your parents hid you on Earth and left you there when you came of age," another remarked snidely.  "They died in shame."

    "They did not," a familiar voice stated behind Futurina.  She turned to see an elven man whose hair had returned to it's natural blonde, though starting to gray.  Those eyes, this was Prince Brien.  "They died as members of the council and her sibling holds their chair now."

    "My, Prince," Futurina was amazed and then saw the amused look on Krystal's face.

    "Hello, Theressolae," He stated, "the queen and I had a chat after Ernie returned with the news.  She knows why you were exiled and why I abdicated the throne.  May I have this dance?"  He held out his hand to her.  She gladly accepted and they went to dance.
ID: 22632
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
Krystal smiled at the sight of Theressolae dancing with the Elvish Prince.

After a few moments, she visited the refreshment table in an adjacent room.

She was followed by a pair of Elvish Ladies as she left the main hall.

As Krystal reached for a crystal goblet to get a drink, she heard behind her one of them clear her throat, then whisper to the other. She turned to face Lady Ni'ghtshad'ow, who was accompanied by Lady Bri'ghtst'eel.

Bri'ghtst'eel hissed, "That... that... FREAK was exiled for good reason... how DARE you, a half-breed, challenge Elvish sovereignty."

Ni'ghtshad'ow added, "You may be a scion of Titania, but you can't hide behind her skirts forever. The Elves have ways...".

Krystal sneered at the two, and calmly replied, "I did not challenge Elvish sovereignty, merely used my right to supersede it... as to your 'Elvish ways', challenge me, if you dare, or have your champion do so... I think that my record speaks for itself, and I would welcome the chance to prove that I need  not hide behind my ancestress."

"Good Evening, Ladies...", Krystal said, taking her drink with her back into the main hall.

ID# 10962
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

    As Futurina and Prince Brien danced they spoke.  With the ball in full swing no one heard their conversation.  Futurina smiled.

    "My Prince, it is a surprise to see you," Futurina began.  "It was most shocking to hear you defend me."

    "Why would I not defend you?" Brien questioned.  "You and I both know my fathers plan was ill-conceived.  We have always been civil towards each other, even friendly, but we don't love each other and therefor cannot produce children together.  That's why I abdicated the throne after he exiled you.  M'eric Ly'dia and I have a beautiful and just daughter.  As queen we hope for a better future."

    "She has you eyes, my Prince," Futurina stated.  "She has her mothers beauty, though I never liked M'eric Ly'dia, she always brought you happiness.  Queen Mor'ning'glori seems to have learned a lot from you both."

    "Why would you like her?  You were rivals for my love," Brien wondered.

    "We were never rivals," Futurina corrected.  "She always had your heart.  I was just the girl your father wanted you to fall for.  When I saw that would never happen, that's when we knew we could not be together.  M'eric Ly'dia always called me a freak.  That's why I never liked her.  I am happy for you both, though."
ID: 22632
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Krystal Fae (Acidburn)
This post was updated on .
As the two Elves trailed behind Krystal, they whispered to each other so as not to be overheard.

"Shall I challenge her, or will you, Ni'ghtshad'ow?", murmured Bri'ghtst'eel.

"Neither, for now... she is far too deadly with that sword of hers... Mor'gan'na could easily have died that day...", replied Ni'ghtshad'ow, "... we need to consider carefully just who might be able to defeat her.  Meantime, perhaps her position might be eroded, or some sort of scandal might be concocted."

"Ge'nevra... I do like the way you think...", replied Bri'ghtst'eel.

The two continued into the main hall whispering conspiratorially, finally parting company to rejoin their spouses.
ID# 10962
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Silver Paladin
"Syren, is it? I've been having a day!" Chaz sighed and let his shoulders slump a bit to display weariness. "Might I bother you for a nice honeymead?"

"But of course," Syren said as she sidled up beside Chaz and patted him kindly on the shoulder. "Pick your table. There's plenty of room wherever you would like. I'll bring it over and maybe we can see about getting you right as rain."

Chaz nodded, then shuffled over to a small table near the back wall. Allyson lead the rest of the group and picked a larger table to sit at, allowing Chaz a bit of privacy. "I've seen plenty of customers like him over the years," she whispered as they all took a seat. "He needs a bit of time to himself."

"Fine by me," Gerri said. "I can't believe I'm finally here. Not the tavern, but in the kingdom. Interacting with so many different peoples I've only heard of."

Crossroads nodded as she fiddled with her dress. "Does this look alright?"

"You look great," Gerri replied as she pointed to a nearby table. "I think they agree."

Three men raised a mug of ale to Crossroads as she glanced over. One of the men was an old, haggard looking man with a long beard and staff. One was middle aged, mid-length hair and gestured a lot with his hands as he spoke to the others. The third was a young lad, possibly in his late teens wearing a blue tunic and red scarf.

Allyson couldn't understand it, but she felt a strong kinship with the three. She watched them for a few minutes until Syren approached the table, a tray full of fruits, cheeses, and sample sized glasses in her hands. "Syren, who are those men? They seem awfully familiar."

"Those guys? Those be The Merlins," she replied as she sat down plate after plate before Allyson and Gerri. "There's more of them usually. They meet here every so often."
Silver Paladin
ID: 22349
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Re: Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale (by invitation only please)

Silver Paladin
Chaz mulled over his tankard of mead. He desperately wanted to try some of the wine he had at the poker party that Futurina brought several months ago, but he needed to make a decision that needed a clear mind. What should he do about Silver Paladin? The options he had been presented with all carried either risks or challenges he didn't want to be responsible for.

He pulled out a pad of paper and pencil, staples every reporter carried at all times, and listed the options he had been given. Then he considered the pros and cons of each choice.

Puck suggested a transplant of part of Chaz's own... soul. The specifics were magical mumbo jumbo, but as far as Chaz could reconcile, it needed to be a portion of Chaz's being that were core to him, part of what made him... him. How much would he be willing to give of himself? What would it cost him to do so? What part could he sacrifice?

Krystal mentioned going after more deific beings and asking for their aid. Several heroes claimed to be angels and such, but which of them actually had the connections to the big guy, or girl, that Silver Paladin needed.

Collette haughtily commented that she could help Silver Paladin, but there was something Chaz couldn't shake from his mind while dealing with her. He didn't know her anywhere near well enough to trust her with Silver Paladin's existence. For all Chaz knew, if you accepted her terms, you might be bound for life to her whims. There were many stories about powerful beings that loved nothing more than to toy with people for their amusement. Chaz didn't think he could risk trusting her, having never seen her do anything other than treat him like an inferior, so he scratched her off the list.

There was an option to leave things as they were and take the chance that nothing happened to Silver Paladin while fought supervillains. Death's were unlikely, but they did happen. A hero sacrificed himself not to long ago to save Hollywood while Arx attacked. Would Silver Paladin make the same decision if he were faced with the same choice? What if he chose not to save hundreds or thousands of people because of what it would do to Chaz.

He looked up from his notebook for a moment and watched the activity in the tavern. It bore a very casual atmosphere, but his trained eye noted several variations. The barkeep didn't wear plastic gloves as he served tankards of beer, and he doubted that the kitchen had the usual bins of sanitizer found in the real world's restaurants. The vegetables likely came from one of the nearby gardens, so they did locally source. The lack of a jukebox or background music was uncomfortable, leaving the background noise to be similar to that of a cafeteria over a bar, but based on the stages present, live music or entertainment likely happened at night.

Gerri and Crossroads seemed to be having a nice conversation. They smiled and ate at the trays of food at their table. They were both very attractive women, as well. He wondered if either of them were dating. Not that he was interested in asking either of them out, but more in the thought of he wondered if they had anyone special in their lives. Many heroes seemed to live very secluded lives. For his reporting, Chaz had received the occasional death threat. Heroes must as well, he imagined.

Picking up his tankard, Chaz took a large sip of the mead. It was thicker than what artisanal brews he had back home, but it tasted much more vibrant and potent. He set the tankard down, knowing he better pace himself with some food or he might not make it back to the castle in one piece.
Silver Paladin
ID: 22349